Eight-year-old boy donates birthday gifts to "Toys for Tots" | FOX6 Milwaukee

Eight-year-old boy donates birthday gifts to "Toys for Tots"

OWASSO, OK -- A selfless eight-year-old birthday boy collected hundreds of gifts to benefit Toys for Tots. Because of this boy's birthday, his community got to help make sure some children have something under the tree this Christmas.

With laser tag and a mountain of presents Chase Branscum couldn't help but be a happy birthday boy. However, none of the presents were for him -- and that's just how he wanted it.

"Now once has he made the comment 'when do I get something for my birthday?" Chase's mother, Tiffany Rowe said.

The party wasn't about Chase. He threw it for the community and the kids who would otherwise go without this Christmas.

"I already have toys and the kids don't. When they don't have any, they can't play and they can't have fun," Branscum said.

About 100 people showed up and more than 500 toys will be donated to Toys for Tots. 

"You want to raise your child to be generous and to think of someone other than themselves and him doing this was a gift to me," Rowe said.

Making the donation to Toys for Tots was Chase's idea -- and it turned out even better than he expected.

It wasn't like any birthday parties his friends have ever been to, but he's a special guy. 

"He's my friend. He helps people who don't have any toys," one of Chase's friends said.

It's not a party favor that could be handed out, but the guests didn't go home empty-handed. 

"It's humbling," Rowe said.

As for Chase's birthday wish: "My wish will never be gone."

Rowe says Chase knows what he will be thinking about when he blows out the eight candles.

"He's already made the comment, 'what can we do next year to help?'" Rowe said.