Elkhorn shooting: Couple killed, memorial forms outside sports bar

After a couple was found shot and killed inside an Elkhorn sports bar Thursday, the community is mourning.

The support for Emerson and Gina Weingart is laid on the Sports Page Barr doorstep. There, a memorial continues to grow for the recently married couple.

"It was all taped off, both sides and the back," said James Dowdal, who lives above the bar. "Kind of nerve-wracking, you know, especially when I come home at 1:30, 3:30, a quarter to 4 in the morning every day."

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Dowdal was not home when the shooting took place shortly after midnight Thursday, but he took part in the memorial.

"I decided to take it upon myself to go grab something and put it out there because I feel that everyone should," he said. "There’s plenty of room on the sidewalk."

Memorial for Gina and Emerson Weingart outside Sports Page Barr in Elkhorn

The owner of the bar posted on Facebook, calling the shooting the act of a coward. He wrote that Gina and Emerson would often come to the bar and became close with the staff before she started working there as a bartender.

As police search for the killer, neighbors offer condolences.

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"Sooner or later he’ll get caught and when he does, he’ll pay for what he did," said Dowdal. "There’s no price on someone’s life."

FOX6 News reached out to police for any updates Friday. They said any future updates will be provided in the form of a news release.

Elkhorn Saloon and the Barrel House is donating Busch Light sales to the Sports Page Barr.