Even today, it'll give you goosebumps: A tribute to 9/11, Clydesdale ad airs once, and never again | FOX6 Milwaukee

Even today, it'll give you goosebumps: A tribute to 9/11, Clydesdale ad airs once, and never again

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- It aired once, and it would never air again. An ad featuring the Budweiser Clydesdales hit the airwaves during the Super Bowl of 2002. It was a tribute to the horrific terror attacks of September 11th, 2001.

Despite the fact that it would never air again -- many have never forgotten this moving commercial.

FOX6's sister station, FOX2Now in St. Louis says AB Global Creative came up with the concept, and "moved heaven and earth" to make the commercial happen.

FOX2 reports they had to get approval from Congress, the ad community and New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani.

“We filmed in New York City. We had a helicopter going over the Brooklyn Bridge. Mayor Guiliani let us into the city. The only film company of any sort right after 9-11 to actually come into air space with our helicopter to film the Clydesdale -- the hitch coming into Battery Park and it was amazing…just amazing,” said Bob Lachky, former executive vice president of AB Global Creative.

Even today, it'll give you goosebumps.