Family forced to sit in vomit covered seats on United Airlines flight
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A family is furious at United Airlines because family members had to fly home from Orlando in seats soaked with vomit.
A passenger got sick on an earlier flight. United now admits its cleanup crew didn't do a very good job drying and sanitizing the seats.
The Shirley family says the airline gave it only one other option -- take a later flight.
United let the family wrap its carry-on luggage in trash bags, and it gave each family member a $150 voucher toward a future flight.
A reporter at WUSA9 reached out to United for comment and received this response:
"The situation Mr. Shirley described is certainly one that we wish no customer experiences, as our cleaners did not fully clean the seat area prior to departure. We offered them an alternate flight, but they decided to remain onboard. Our agents did the best they could in the short time they had to accommodate Mr. Shirley and keep the flight on time. We're reaching out to apologize for his experience."