Federal appeals court: Clergy abuse victim can't make bankruptcy claim

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A federal appeals court says a clergy sexual abuse victim who previously settled with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee cannot set aside that deal to pursue a claim in bankruptcy court.

The victim identified in court documents as John Doe settled with the archdiocese for $80,000 in 2007 after participating in mediation.

The archdiocese filed for bankruptcy in 2011, saying it wouldn't be able to pay if lawsuits filed by other victims went against it. Doe and hundreds of other victims then filed claims in federal bankruptcy court.

Attorneys for Doe said he was lied to during mediation and the deal should be voided.

The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals disagreed Wednesday, saying statements made during mediation couldn't be used in the bankruptcy case and Doe's claim was rightly dismissed.

SNAP -- the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests issued this statement Wednesday, November 5th: