Feeding America hosts drive-up food distribution 'from Wisconsin farmers'
MILWAUKEE - Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin hosted a drive-up food distribution event Monday morning, Sept. 14, and each box contained 20 pounds of ingredients to make a healthy meal.
"All of it is farm-fresh from Wisconsin farmers," said Scott Marshall, VP of development & communications at Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin. "It's the kind of food that, a lot of times, a food bank has a really hard time of getting ahold of."
The food came from a government program called CFAP -- the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. The government buys the food from farmers, and then organizations distribute it to people in need.
It's a program that helps Feeding America meet growing demand.
"That sort of increase is a little bit overwhelming, so this sort of program is really helping bridge that gap," Marshall said.
Feeding America saw a 35% increase in those in need at the start of the pandemic -- an increase that has not gone away. What's helping them through is the community's generosity, like their partnership with Lakeland Supply for Monday's food drive.
"I think just with everything going on with the virus, and just the communities, I thought this is just a good thing to give back to people that are hurting," Marshall said.
Marshall said they're hopeful the increased generosity will continue to match the increased need.
"It is a little bit tough right now," he said. "I know that the community has been very generous. It's just needing the community to stick with us because this need is not going down anytime soon."
Feeding America is currently unable to host food drives because of the pandemic. Instead, they ask for monetary donations. If you'd like to donate, CLICK HERE.