'Finding Neverland' brings magical, musical experience to the Marcus Center

Finding Neverland

MILWAUKEE -- It's enough to make you believe in magic -- "Finding Neverland" is playing at the Marcus Center now through Feb. 25. The Broadway musical is about a playwright who overcomes writer's block to create the beloved classic "Peter Pan."

The show features lead actor and Kenosha native, Will Ryan -- and a lot of on-stage magic.

Finding Neverland

Lael Van Keuren

"It's wildly technical and brilliant and breathtaking. They really nailed it," said Lael Van Keuren.

Van Keuren plays lead, Sylvia Llewelyn Davies. She took FOX6's Amy DuPont on stage to experience the show's most breathtaking moment.

Watch Amy in the "glitter vortex" in 360 degrees:

True to its name, the visual effect of the glitter vortex is a show stopper -- and one that night after night, still moves Van Keuren to tears.

Finding Neverland

"I well up a little bit because it's such a beautiful moment," said Van Keuren.

Which may sound a little dramatic until you step inside; it's like flying with your feet on the ground! It's a once-in-a-lifetime moment that can be seen from every seat in the house.

Finding Neverland runs through Sunday, February 25th. CLICK HERE to check out show times and tickets.