Florida surfer's GoPro camera captures sharks underneath board at New Smyrna Beach | FOX6 Milwaukee

Florida surfer's GoPro camera captures sharks underneath board at New Smyrna Beach

NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. -- What started as an opportunity to test out her GoPro camera turned into one of Lindsey Baldwin's wildest waves, spotting not one, not two, but three sharks.

"My three-year-old has been getting really into surfing and I wanted to see if my old GoPro still even worked so I took it for a spin, and that was the first wave I caught," said Lindsey Baldwin, who lives in New Smyrna Beach.

Baldwin has been surfing since she was five years old, so she knew just how to maneuver around the sharks.

"I was holding it and then I kind of saw that first shark off to the right so you can see in the video, I sort of cut back to the left."

She kept cutting from side to side, safely avoiding them altogether.

"We see them a lot when the water temperature changes, which the water’s been so warm, and we’re just starting to get that hint of cooler water moving in because of the upwelling, so I think that’s kind of why they were right on cue," said Baldwin.

Luckily her three-year-old daughter, a surfer in the making herself, wasn't with her.

We asked Baldwin if, at any point, she was scared.

"Oh no, not at all. I actually went straight back again. I mean when the water’s that clear, you really can avoid them."

For her, the only thing scarier than the sharks was the video quality of the GoPro.

"It’s where we live and it’s a beautiful place and a few times a year we just thave to deal with the other locals. I did realize I think a need a new GoPro though. It’s a little fuzzy."