'For the safety of your loved ones:' Woman who lost brother to COVID-19 encourages public to help make masks

SAUKVILLE -- A Saukville company is working overtime to fill mask shortages as hundreds of patients in southeastern Wisconsin continue to suffer from COVID-19.

Lilia Scroggins

Lilia Scroggins is making masks for her brother; he died from COVID-19 in the Bronx, New York.

"That was the hardest thing I had to experience," Scroggins said. "To have to watch that on televised, have the funeral on televised, that was the hardest thing I had to experience.

"You don't really know until this happens to you how serious this can really feel and be."

Assembling masks from mask kit

3.5 million masks have been made and 1 million more need assembly this weekend through MaskUpMKE.org with businesses, including Rebel Converting in Saukville, donating.

Mike Kryshak

"Our company makes wet wipes, and we were very busy before COVID. After COVID, our business went up exponentially, and, quite frankly, I don't think it's fair for any company to benefit or profit off the misery of others so we decided to give back," said Mike Kryshak, owner of Rebel Converting.

More masks are needed as COVID-19 continues to spread. Some of the masks from Rebel Converting may save lives -- something many people suffering hope for.

"I know it seems hard to do, but it's important and it's for the safety of your loved ones and you, your family members," Scroggins said. "Slow down, take your time. because this is a serious, serious problem."

Mask kit

There is a big need for help assembly masks this weekend. The kits are fairly simple to assemble and take just a few steps. If you're are interested in assisting in the mask assembly effort, kits can be picked up at the Fiserv Forum loading dock along 6th Steet after being reserved in advance at MaskUpMKE.org.