Former CIA spy teaches you how to escape an abduction | FOX6 Milwaukee

Former CIA spy teaches you how to escape an abduction

Former CIA spy Jason Hanson is the author of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.

Crime Watch Daily visited Hanson's spy school in a top secret location where he trains people in evasive driving techniques, personal protection and how to get out of sticky situations.

Could being tied up with duct tape really happen to you? You better believe it.

Summer vacation is here, and for many that means international travel.

In Mexico, the crooks do what's called an "express kidnapping:" They duct tape you, empty your bank account at the ATM, then they dump you in a scary neighborhood.

As I wrap the tape around Hanson's wrists I'm skeptical anyone can worm out of this. But I'm dealing with an ex-spy who did so many secret missions he can't talk about them.

"It has to do with the angle you just created when you tore the tape, so we're going to create that exact same angle. I can sit here like this all day like this and I'm not going anywhere. But to escape and be out in seconds, I'm going to hold my hand above my head just like this. I'm going to pull down and throw my elbows behind me," said Hanson.

The secret: Separate your hands as you thrust them down and then slap your hips.

Next lesson: Zip-ties.

Home invasions happen too often. And some of the thugs zip-tie their victims. And they can be tight. This is going to be a lot harder than the duct tape.

"You've got to put more 'umph' into it. You've really got to commit when you're doing this," said Hanson. "Separating your hands and throwing them behind you."

Next: Handcuffs.

"You're more likely to be handcuffed unlawfully overseas," said Hanson.

"You hear that 'click-click-click' noise while they're going in? Because the teeth are getting caught. Now I can't get out. I'm handcuffed," said Hanson.

But you can. Hanson says to take a hair barrette, tear off the bendy part so it looks like a fork. Then use pliers to flatten out the ends. It makes a handy lock-pick.

"What I can do is I can put it right in the middle where the teeth go down, and then I press down on the teeth to give it momentum, and shove this in, it blocks the teeth and allows me to get out," said Hanson. "So I'll do it right now. I'll put this right here in the middle, I'll push down, shove this in, and then I can escape because this blocked the teeth."

Now the ultimate test: Handcuffed and stuffed in a trunk.

With a bobby-pin, it takes me nearly three minutes, but I pick the lock like a pro and climb out of the trunk to daylight.

You can sleep better tonight knowing tips like these may help you be a Houdini, instead of a hostage.

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