Former Glendale police officer sentenced; guilty plea to child porn

Jonathan Angle

A Waukesha County judge sentenced Jonathan Angle on Friday, June 28 to four years in prison plus an additional seven years of extended supervision after Angle pleaded guilty to possession of child porn. 

Angle was originally charged with ten counts of felony child pornography possession. But in May, he pleaded guilty to a single charge in exchange for the remaining charges being dismissed. 

Case details

Glendale police said Angle started with the department as a desk clerk in April 2022 and was hired as an officer in August 2022. His employment was terminated on July 31 following his arrest.

An investigation began in May after the National Center for Missing and Exploited children sent a Reddit cyber tip to the Waukesha County Sheriff's Department. A criminal complaint states Reddit provided an email address and IP address for an account that uploaded child pornography. That IP address was located in Pewaukee.

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A search warrant was executed on July 31, and Angle was taken into custody. A search of Angle's phone found six additional images of child pornography separate from the image posted on Reddit.

In an interview with the sheriff's department, Angle admitted that he "messaged girls on Reddit a lot" and "had a porn addiction" that led to him creating several accounts across a number of platforms. He said he was "pretty sure" the flagged Reddit account was one he got banned from. He added that some links he would click on in search of "rape porn" instead "contained child pornography," but that he was not seeking out that material – closing out of it when it did appear.