Former middle school band teacher charged; 9th child sex assault count

A former middle school band teacher now faces a ninth charge of child sexual assault in Walworth County. 

For more than 20 years, John Rash taught music at East Troy Middle School until he resigned in 2022. In 2023, prosecutors charged him with sexually assaulting eight former students. Now, a ninth victim has come forward – who had Rash as a student before some of the other victims were even born. 

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When prosecutors first charged John Rash with sexually touching teenage girls during small group lessons, the FOX6 Investigators sat down with parents of the four victims. They said Rash had brushed his hand over their daughters' breasts or other sensitive parts of their bodies during music lessons. 

"It’s not just us four. Everybody’s naïve if they think it’s just us four families," said one parent. "Three to four times per band lesson."

John Rash

"Two to three times per lesson," said another parent. "It was enough to make her feel like it was wrong. And in your gut, you know when something’s wrong."

"Multiple times. Five to ten times per lesson," said a third parent. 

After that, four more victims spoke up leading to new charges. Now, a ninth former student has come forward. 

A criminal complaint filed this week says the 33-year-old woman identified only as "Victim X" had Rash as a music teacher nearly 20 years ago – in 2005 – the same year some of the other victims were born. 

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"Victim X" said in one particular lesson, Rash ran his hand up her leg and touched her private parts, causing her to cry. She told prosecutors she did not tell anyone at the time because she was scared. 

The new allegations mean the child sexual assault charges against Rash now cover a 14-year period from 2005 to 2019. 

John Rash

Rash surrendered his teaching license in 2022, but his day in court is yet to come. 

Rash is free on a $1,000 cash bond. His first appearance in Walworth County court on the new charge is set for Oct. 21. Trial on the other eight charges is set for December.