Former ‘Today’ staffer reveals alleged affair with Matt Lauer

A former "Today" show staffer has revealed an affair she claims to have had with former host Matt Lauer.

Addie Collins Zinone gave a first-person account of the alleged affair to Variety.

Zinone, who is now married, said she was 24-years-old when she started working for NBC's "Today" show following a summer internship.

She said Lauer, who was fired last month amid sexual misconduct allegations, began messaging her just a few weeks before she was leaving NBC for a reporting job in West Virginia.

"Hey, I hope you won't drag me to personnel for saying this. but you look fantastic. i don't know what you have done, or what is going on in your life... but it's agreeing with you," a printed copy of the messages from Lauer revealed.

Zinone said she thanked Lauer for the message and told him about her new job. She asked him for "a little advice" before she left.

She said Lauer messaged her a month later, "OK... NOW YOU'RE KILLING ME... YOU LOOK GREAT TODAY! A BIT TOUGH TO CONCENTRATE."

At first she thought somebody was pranking her by sending messages from Lauer's computer.

She told Variety what happened next:

She said when they got back to the office, he messaged her to meet him in his dressing room. She said they met several times over the next few weeks.

She said the last time she saw Lauer was during the 2000 Democratic National Convention in California where they had an "encounter" in a bathroom of the Staples Center.

Zinone told Variety, "I'm not trying to get anything out of this situation, other than be another voice in this important conversation about women in the workplace."

"The things that Matt did to me, there are men doing to other women," she said. "Although it wasn't a crime in my case, it's still not right. Matt took advantage of his power. It's sickening. It breaks my heart that he did this for so long."