FOX6 checks back with the McDonald's Monopoly Millionaire

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When Jon Kehoe orders at a drive thru, he no longer has to worry about when he can afford his next meal.

After all, Kehoe has a good feeling about his neighborhood McDonald's in West Allis.That's where he won a million dollar Monopoly prize last year.

For the next 20 years, Kehoe will receive a $50,000 check in the mail right before Christmas. It's money before taxes, but it's also almost twice as much as he made a year at his construction job, before he was laid off.
"I felt like this came to me at the right time in my life because I needed a change, a turning point," said Kehoe.
During a recent visit at his parents' house where he still lives, we noticed money hasn't really changed Kehoe at all. For one, he still lives at home, and doesn't plan on moving soon.

Kehoe says he's taking his time finding work, and wants to help his parents on work around the old home.

Looking around the driveway, you won't find a new sports car or boat.

One of the few times he's spent money came during the Brewers playoff run, when Kehoe was a frequent visitor to Miller Park.

He's also not shy about opening up his wallet for a ride to Lambeau Field, but he's still not used to big expenses.

Kehoe was approaching his last unemployment check after he was laid off from a seasonal construction job.

The last thing he needed to be doing was paying for a meal, but he was riding around town with a hungry teenager in the car at the time, when his nephew encouraged him to take a stroll through the McDonald's drive thru.

"One time when we went on a vacation, I think I took $1,500 out of the bank. For me, I felt like I was robbing the place," said Kehoe.

He's taking advantage of his free time by spending quality time with his 15-year-old nephew.

When you're the guy with the prize money, you suddenly have more friends than you knew existed. Which is why Kehoe appreciates his loyal friend and nephew who only expects his love and time in return. "He's like a Dad to me," said David Pietura Jr.

Keep in mind, he owes his nephew a great deal, since he was the one who convinced Uncle Jon to drive them by McDonald's in the first place.

"Well I was riding around with my nephew, and boy, he wanted McDonald's," said Kehoe.

Kehoe finally gave in that day, and made the order he and his family will never forget.

Thanks to people like his nephew and parents, Kehoe says he's able to remain grounded, making sure his money doesn't vanish.

"I can't let it change me too much, so I don't become a statistic. I've heard a lot of guys win money and spend it all up right away. I don't want to get ahead of myself," said Kehoe.