FOX6 Web Fix: Grocery store milk prank going viral
A new grocery store prank is going viral, with online videos getting millions of views. It involves milk jugs, grocery stores and a hidden camera, and the prank is landing folks in hot water.
The prank involves the prankster walking down an aisle with two gallons of milk in his hands, waiting for shoppers to get close. Then, he chucks the gallons up in the air, splattering the milk everywhere -- even hitting shoppers!
While one person throws the milks, another is secretly videotaping the whole thing.
Some shoppers are not amused.
"It`s not only irresponsible -- it`s a crime. If you`re going to take somebody`s property that`s offered for sale and destroy it or convert it to your own use, that`s theft. In addition to that it`s criminal mischief," one shopper said.
Recently, three boys were charged with vandalism while trying to pull off the prank at a Franklin County grocery store.
"There`s so many good things that young people can be doing. To do something stupid like this it just doesn`t make any sense," one shopper said.
So far, no one has been hurt in any of the milk smashing incidents, but police have a stern warning. Pranksters will face criminal charges, and store officials say they will prosecute anyone they catch in the act.