FOX6's Ted Perry, Beverly Taylor host 25th anniversary celebration for Survive Alive House | FOX6 Milwaukee

FOX6's Ted Perry, Beverly Taylor host 25th anniversary celebration for Survive Alive House

MILWAUKEE -- Born from tragedy, the Milwaukee Survive Alive House is celebrating 25 years. A gala was held to celebrate on Friday, May 11 at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

The idea for the Survive Alive house started back in 1987, after 17 children died in house fires just a few days apart.

The Survive Alive House, located at 20th and Becher, became a reality just a few days later. There are also two mobile houses that are used.


It's a requirement that all Milwaukee Public Schools' second and fifth graders go through the training. Friday's event also doubled as a fundraiser to help raise money to get new mobile ones.

"Our trailers are over 20 years old and we do our best...done our best to take care of them and keep them in the best possible condition, but they wear and tear," said Lt. Michael Ball, with the Milwaukee Fire Department. "They're getting to the point where there's a lot of things that just aren't worth repairing."

FOX6's Ted Perry and FOX6's Beverly Taylor helped emcee the event. Also in attendance was Green Bay Packers' legend LeRoy Butler.