Foxhole Craft Beer Shop & Kitchen
Brian Kramp is at Foxhole Craft Beer Shop & Kitchen where southern roots have arrived in Shorewood.
Looking for a place to hang out with friends and family that's not too loud while enjoying some free time? Get ready to grab a pint and some tasty food. Brian Kramp is at Foxhole Craft Beer Shop & Kitchen where southern roots have arrived in Shorewood.
Menu to impress guests
Brian Kramp is in Shorewood seeing why their Southern fried chicken is a must.
Fried chicken or pulled pork
Foxhole Craft Beer Shop & Kitchen is Shorewood’s newest hot spot and Brian Kramp is seeing why locals are loving it.
Local and regional beer
Brian Kramp is at Foxhole Craft Beer Shop and Kitchen with some of the cocktails that keep locals coming back.
Grab a pint and some tasty food
Brian Kramp is at Foxhole Craft Beer Shop & Kitchen where southern roots have arrived in Shorewood.
Foxhole Craft Beer Shop & Kitchen
Brian Kramp is seeing why locals are loving Shorewood’s newest neighborhood gem.