FPC: 12 candidates for MPD chief whittled to 5 by Oct. 1 | FOX6 Milwaukee

FPC: 12 candidates for MPD chief whittled to 5 by Oct. 1

Milwaukee Police Administration Building

The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission will reveal the top five candidates for Milwaukee police chief during an FPC meeting scheduled for Oct. 1.

On Wednesday, Sept. 16, FPC Executive Director Griselda Aldrete said 12 applications have been received for Milwaukee's next chief.

The deadline to apply was Sept. 11.

Acting MPD Chief Michael Brunson

Michael Brunson is serving as acting Milwaukee police chief after former Chief Alfonso Morales was demoted to captain by the FPC Aug. 6 for the department’s role in response to protests that began following the death of George Floyd. On Aug. 12, Morales' attorney confirmed he would be retiring from the department following his demotion. On Aug. 20, Morales filed a notice of claim and injury against the FPC and city demanding the Milwaukee County Circut Court review the FPC's decision to demote him, noting he "hasn't received a copy of any final written findings or order encapsulating the board's decision to demote him and does not know if any such document exists." The demotion came after the FPC issued 11 directives for Morales and MPD with deadlines. 

Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission (FPC)

Below is the statement released by Aldrete Wednesday regarding the search for the next Milwaukee police chief:

"The Board of Commissioners of the Fire and Police Commission are committed to transparency and due diligence to select the next Chief of Police for the Milwaukee Police Department. The process was already announced at our last regular FPC meeting. The Commissioners will be involved in screening the candidates who applied by the deadline of September 11, 2020 over the next couple of weeks and at the October 1, 2020 FPC meeting, we will be announcing the top five (5) candidates and set interview dates with those candidates. Community input will be gathered between the months of October and November. A minimum of two community meetings will be scheduled for the candidates to answer community questions. The goal is to have our final candidate identified and potentially voted on by the Commissioners at the December 3, 2020 FPC meeting."

"At this time, we will not be releasing the names of any applicants to protect the confidentiality of the candidates and the process."

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