FPC issues 11 directives for Chief Morales with deadlines; noncompliance could mean firing

MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission in a special session Monday, July 20 issued 11 directives for Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales -- with every member of the commission voting in favor of requiring the chief to comply with the directives or face disciplinary action including suspension, demotion or firing. The chief and his team said they will comply to the best of their ability to those directives they find legitimate and warranted.

Ushered inside the locked and guarded doors of the hearing room at City Hall, Chief  Morales faced his toughest critics yet.

"Whereas the chief's response to the request from the Fire and Police Commission has been unduly delayed or outright ignored" said FPC Executive Director Griselda Aldrete.

Aldrete read off a laundry list of the board's complaints before issuing the chief's marching orders.

"A chief given a directive, and must implement directive unless overruled by mayor," said Aldrete.

Milwaukee Police Chief arrives for FPC special session

The directives require the chief to share video and written reports on open cases, including officer-involved shootings, sometimes within days, provide a public report on the recent use of tear gas on protesters and seek FPC approval on promotions and overtime. Noncompliance could mean termination.

"We're gonna have a statement, but it's being given my by attorney," said Chief Morales.

Frank Gimbel

The chief did not answer questions Monday evening; his attorney calling the FPC action unprecedented, and a distraction from problems among the board.

"I think this is a very aggressive response by the FPC to a bunch of problems that are visiting their house, and they are distracting from the problems that exist within that commission," said Frank Gimbel, Chief Morales' attorney.

The chief's team said it's hard not to believe the case against Morales is political and personal, a claim Aldrete rejected.

Griselda Aldrete

"Absolutely not," said Aldrete. "This is part of our oversight capacity. I'm the executive director. My post is nearly ending, and I only hope our city is in good hands going forward."

The FPC deadline to comply with some of the directives is Aug. 4. The chief and his team said they've already complied with some of the directives. Aldrete would not comment on whether she had received them.

Ahead of the meeting, members of the Milwaukee Police Association voiced strong opposition to the scheduled special session -- with the only item on the agenda voting and issuing directives for the chief. The MPA on Monday said it's "uncalled for," and the president of the MPA called the FPC chairman corrupt. This, as an ethics probe was launched by the city against the chairman Monday with a unanimous vote by the Milwaukee Ethics Board.

Members of the MPA Monday said they suspected the FPC would try to fire Chief Morales. Dale Bormann, MPA president, said that's wrong and uncalled for -- supporting Chief Morales with community groups calling for his termination.

"They have to have cause," said Bormann before Monday's meeting. "They don't have cause, so I think whatever they decided tonight, if they decide to fire him, I think it's an illegal act done by the FPC."

Groups like Voces de la Frontera have called for the chief's firing. A letter points to the chief’s lack of action surrounding the death of Joel Acevedo — with one of his officers charged with homicide. The group says the city is not safe, while the chief’s supporters say he hasn’t received a fair shot at doing his job.

Amid the calls for justice for Joel Acevedo, protesters have fixed their attention on what they call inaction from Morales — choosing not to fire Officer Michael Mattioli, 32, a 13-year veteran of the Milwaukee Police Department, facing a charge of first-degree reckless homicide in connection with Acevedo’s death. Prosecutors said Acevedo died following a fight inside Mattioli’s home on April 19, the morning after the off-duty officer hosted a get-together. A criminal complaint said Mattioli “held (Acevedo) on the ground” after Acevedo tried stealing from him and punched another man in the home. Acevedo, 25, died from his injuries on April 25. His death was ruled a homicide as a result of brain injury due to traumatic strangulation.

Chief Morales could have terminated Mattioli’s employment. Instead, the Fire and Police Commission took command of the internal investigation — referring disciplinary charges against Mattioli for code of conduct violations related to Acevedo’s death. The disciplinary trial referred by the FPC is the first step toward terminating his employment with the department.

Letters sent to the FPC are calling for Morales to be fired — asking how the city could feel safe when the man in charge of enforcing the law fails to enforce any basic or humane standard of accountability in his own ranks. Those calling for his firing also say Morales has lost the trust of the community by overreacting and using force against peaceful protesters.

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

"I know Morales personally," said former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Monday. "He is a fine man. For heaven sakes, they just gave him a new contract. Give him a chance to work the damn thing, but we're raw power politics right now. It's an ugly thing for the entire city of Milwaukee.


Meanwhile, the MPA Monday called for the removal of FPC Chairman Steven DeVougas after the Ethics Board voted unanimously to launch a committee to look into DeVougas’ alleged code of ethics violations. The FPC chairman was the subject of an internal investigation stemming from his representation of a local developer who was the subject of a criminal investigation at the time. The Milwaukee Police Association says DeVougas acted as the defense attorney for the man accused of sexual assault, which was investigated by Milwaukee police, hence the conflict, because the FPC oversees the department.

The developer was never charged with a crime, but the investigator found DeVougas’ behavior violated the city’s ethics code. The FPC noted DeVougas did not participate in an interview with the investigator. The city is now looking into the investigator’s findings.

Milwaukee Police Association President Dale Bormann

"He is corrupt, and he is deceiving," said Bormann. "The mayor doesn't trust him, and our police chief doesn't trust him."

Statement from Milwaukee Alderman Mark Borkowski in support of Chief Morales:

Statement from Voces de La Frontera, calling for the chief's firing:

Statement from Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Nik Kovac, Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman Russell W. Stamper and Alderman Khalif J. Rainey who have "no confidence" in Chief Morales:

Statement from Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic, Alderman José G. Pérez and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa: "We Can Do Better"