Free COVID tests available; Milwaukee County in 'medium' community level | FOX6 Milwaukee

Free COVID tests available; Milwaukee County in 'medium' community level

Cases of the flu are spiking across the country. Now, the White House is also concerned about a possible COVID-19 surge this winter. 

The White House is now resuming their free COVID testing program in anticipation for this winter. The administration is making four rapid virus tests available through

Milwaukee County remains in the Medium COVID-19 Community Level, based on U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

Currently, 54.2% of city of Milwaukee residents have completed their primary vaccination series, and 10.4% of city of Milwaukee residents have received the updated bivalent booster dose

Milwaukee Health Department Immunization Clinics have free COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, and flu shots available without an appointment.

Testing for COVID-19 before gathering is an excellent way to ensure you’re not inadvertently spreading the virus. The Menomonee Valley COVID-19 Drive-Thru has free testing available without an appointment. Rapid at-home antigen tests are also a great tool to utilize. Everyone household in Wisconsin is eligible to order free COVID-19 tests from each month, or you can check your local pharmacy to purchase tests.

COVID-19 in WisconsinHealthNewsMilwaukee