Islamic Society of Milwaukee rallies, supports Palestinian civilians

Israeli airstrikes have led to about 900 deaths in Gaza, including more than 200 children. Thousands more have been injured and as many as 200,000 people are displaced.

As war continues halfway across the world, the Islamic Society of Milwaukee rallied Tuesday, Oct. 10 in solidarity with the Palestinian civilians in Gaza suffering amid the violence. 

"A lot of frustration, a lot of emotion, sadness, anger," said Abdallah Badwan. "It’s a human cause, it’s not just a Palestinian cause."

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The Israel Hamas war's impacts are massive and far-reaching. With food and medical supplies cut off, and the death toll expected to rise, there was also a push toward efforts to finally find peace.

"Things we can’t even imagine are taking place in Palestine. I just feel so frustrated that all I can do is come to a gathering and make some noise," said Umber Syed.

Islamic Society of Milwaukee rallies in support of Palestinian civilians in Gaza

By making noise, speakers hope to also bring change.

"We consider this to be slaughter," said Othman Atta, the Islamic Society of Milwaukee's executive director. "Entire neighborhoods have been wiped off the map, marketplaces are being attacked."

Atta said, as Israel follows the Hamas attack with airstrikes in Gaza, civilians are the primary victims. He said a man in his community just lost his sister to a marketplace attack in Gaza.

"He was too emotional to actually appear before the cameras," Atta said.

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Those at Tuesday's rally said it is important to look much further back than the past four days.

"We are against, and we condemn, any attacks against innocent civilians," said Atta. "However, the overwhelming majority of innocent civilians who have been killed in the last 75 years are Palestinians.

"The reason that this problem exists is because the issue of Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands has not been addressed for 75 years."


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In Milwaukee, the community said enough voices speaking out can make a difference.

"If we’re talking about injustices all over the world, why is it any different when it comes to the Palestinians?" Badwan said.

"Unity, support, speaking up, that’s just very, very important. We can’t get enough of that," said Syed.

Another rally and march in support of the people of Palestine is set for 5 p.m. Wednesday at Zeidler Square. A vigil at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee will be held Friday.