Generous donation: West Allis Fire Dept. receives animal rescue oxygen mask kits

WEST ALLIS -- First responders with the West Allis Fire Department received three animal rescue oxygen mask kits through a donation from Invisible Fence® Brand on Friday, December 18th.

Although the number of pets that die in fires is not an official statistic kept by the U.S. Fire Administration, industry web sites and sources have cited an estimated 40,000 to 150,000 pets each year that die in fires; most succumbing to smoke inhalation. In most states, emergency responders are unequipped to deal with the crisis. The donation of these specially designed and potentially lifesaving animal oxygen mask sets enable rescue crews to efficiently administer oxygen to a stricken animal.

This donation is part of a national effort called Project Breathe™ project to equip fire stations across the U.S. and Canada. More information is available at:

Pet oxygen mask