'Get this scumbag off the street:' Bullet fired at truck with parents en route to pick up son

91st and Appleton

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee parents say they were randomly targeted by a gunman as they drove to pick up their 6-year-old son. It happened near 91st and Appleton -- near Timmerman Airport. They have no idea why a man fired a bullet into their truck.

The father in this case, who asked not to be identified, said he and his wife were on the way to pick up their son, one of six children in the family, from indoor soccer practice when it happened.

"I noticed something was wrong with the car because the middle passenger stood up on the sunroof and made a goofy noise," he said.

He said he fears for his safety after what happened next.

"I just heard the gun go 'boom,'" he said.

The bullet left a hole in the side of his truck.

"A couple inches to my wife. Cops say 'you so lucky.' Otherwise it go through," he said.

The shot stopped just inches short from hitting the passenger seat.

"Right in the gap right here. That's where they found the bullet," he said.

He said the gunman was likely in his 20s or early 30s, traveling with two other men around the same age.

"It would be a Mitzubishi Eclipse between 2002 and 2005. It was black," he said.

The father said the gunman fired after popping his body up from the sunroof. He's relieved no one was hurt, but can't understand why it happened.

"It was God protecting us. It could be a racist issue because I am Asian with a big truck," he said.

Police say it's possible the truck wasn't the intended target -- but the father in this case wants the suspect caught.

"I'm going to say 'get this scumbag off the street.' Someone is going to get hurt if they continue doing this stuff," he said.

The family was told by police the bullet traveled right past where their son usually sits in the truck. Police told the family they're looking for surveillance video and the bullet was recovered.

Organization Milwaukee Police-department