GOP Chairman Reince Priebus speaks on potential GOP candidates

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WISCONSIN -- More than 80 percent of Republicans voting in Wisconsin's presidential primary Tuesday, April 3rd said they expected Mitt Romney to win Wisconsin, and eventually become the GOP nominee for president.

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are not giving up campaigning.

Paul is currently in the middle of campaigning out in California. He held a rally in Madison last Thursday, in advance of Wisconsin's election. Paul says as long as there is support and money, he will continue to campaign.

Gingrich has had a full week of events planned in Delaware ahead of that state's primary. Gingrich was in Wisconsin late last week and this past weekend, and his wife, Callista was also in the state. Gingrich held a rally at Marquette University on Thursday, March 29th.

Gingrich said he isn't leaving the party's presidential race and is vowing to continue all the way to the nominating convention. Gingrich said Tuesday he is committed to carrying the banner of bold conservative colors all the way to Tampa to ensure, in his words, "the Republican Party never abandons the timeless conservative principles.''

With only two primary victories and rival Mitt Romney on pace to win the nomination in June, if not before, Gingrich faces an uphill fight. He lost all three of Tuesday's primaries, contests in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

The former House speaker says Republicans cannot win with what he calls "an Etch A Sketch platform that shows no principle or backbone,'' a criticism of Romney's shifts on policy issues.

Wisconsin native, and GOP Chairman Reince Priebus told FOX6 News on Election night a long fight in the selection of the GOP candidate to face Barack Obama in the presidential election wouldn't be bad for the Republican Party. "I actually think a long primary fight is fine for the Republican Party. I think it depends on what happens (Tuesday) night. You are going to hear more folks come out and want us to coalesce around a candidate, but those are decisions candidates need to make for themselves," Priebus said.

Supporters of Paul and Gingrich say they want the candidates to keep fighting, all the way to the Republican National Convention.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.