Gov. Scott Walker says MLK's legacy encourages focus on love

MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy encourages people to focus on love instead of hate.

The Republican governor said Monday, January 18th at an annual MLK celebration breakfast in Milwaukee that the civil rights leader's quote from decades ago "hatred cannot drive out hatred; only love can do that" provides an important lesson today.

Walker says "all too often, there are those out there, regardless of party or affiliation, others out there around the world, who are looking and focusing on the hatred issue, instead of on the hope and aspiration that comes from love."

He says people could use love to help others regardless of their appearance or background.

Governor Walker issued the following statement:

"Today, we celebrate an influential man who stood up for what he believed in despite constant criticism and threats.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. encouraged all of us to peacefully inspire change in the world by reminding us that “hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  These words ring as true today as they did the day he spoke them, and it’s a message we should carry in our hearts as we work to make the world a better place.  As we pay tribute to and celebrate the life of Dr. King today, may we remember to exhibit his passion for community service and kindness throughout our great state."

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele was scheduled to speak, but didn't. Attempts to contact the Democrat Monday weren't successful.