Gov. Walker says 2013 Capitol Christmas tree ornaments due soon
MADISON (WITI) -- Governor Scott Walker is reminding art teachers, students, and parents to submit ornaments for the 2013 Capitol Christmas tree. The theme for this year’s tree is Wisconsin Traditions.
“Each year, the Capitol Christmas tree is beautifully decorated with ornaments made by art teachers, school children, and parents,” Governor Walker said. “This year’s theme will highlight all of our truly unique Wisconsin traditions. Hopefully, when visitors to the Capitol see this year’s tree, they will have a better understanding of our traditions and what makes Wisconsin such a wonderful place to live.”
Wisconsin Traditions themed ornaments need to be submitted by Friday, November 22nd.
Please send Wisconsin Traditions themed ornaments to:
Claire Franz
DOA/Division of Facilities Management
17 West Main Street, Suite 119
Madison WI 53703