Gov. Walker signs 70 mph speed limit bill, but drivers need to wait for the signs | FOX6 Milwaukee

Gov. Walker signs 70 mph speed limit bill, but drivers need to wait for the signs

MADISON  (AP/WITI) — Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill on Wednesday, May 20th that allows state transportation officials to raise the speed limit to 70 mph on some Wisconsin roads.

Under the law, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) can raise the speed limit to 70 mph only on four-lane roads that have entrance and exit ramps. They can't raise the limit on roads with at-grade access.

WisDOT will oversee installation of about 470 new speed limit and related signs along 726 miles of rural Interstate in Wisconsin. Motorists are advised the 70 mph speed limit will not take effect until a specific highway segment is posted at the higher speed. Drivers are asked to be alert, to slow down and move over for county highway crews as they install the new signs along rural Interstates beginning next month.

WisDOT is also reminding motorists:

    Rural interstate segments in Wisconsin where speed limits will be raised to 70 mph:

    Highway From To Miles
    I-94 Illinois State Line Milwaukee County Line 25
    I-94 I-39/90 in Dane County WIS 164 in Waukesha County 57
    I-39/90 Illinois State line US 12 in Dane County 41
    I-39/90/94 US 151 in Dane County I-39 split in Columbia County 22
    I-39 I-90/94 split in Columbia County WIS 54 in Portage County 65
    I-39 WIS 66 in Portage County Bus 51 in Marathon County 26
    I-90/94 I-39/90/94 in Columbia County I-90 in Monroe County 63
    I-90 I-94 in Monroe County US 53 in La Crosse County 37
    I-94 I-90 in Monroe County US 53 in Eau Claire County 77
    I-94 WIS 312 in Eau Claire County WIS 35 in St. Croix County 55
    I-43 County T in Ozaukee County WIS 29 in Brown County 91
    I-43 I-39 in Rock County WIS 164 in Waukesha County 54
    I-41 South Washington County Line WIS 441 in Winnebago County 93
    I-41 WIS 441 in Outagamie County WIS 172 in Brown County 20


    Brief history of speed limits in Wisconsin: