Gov. Walker's campaign launches petition drive following Act 10 ruling
MADISON -- Gov. Scott Walker's campaign has launched an online petition drive in support of Gov. Walker's reforms. This, after a Dane County Judge one week ago struck down portions of Act 10 -- the law that effectively ended collective bargaining for most public workers.
"We are asking Wisconsinites to sign this petition in support of Governor Walker and his reforms that have already saved taxpayers over $1 billion and counting," Gov. Walker campaign communications director Tom Evenson said in a statement Thursday, September 20th.
CLICK HERE for additional information on this petition drive.
At a ribbon cutting event Wednesday, Gov. Walker said he’s confident those who support Act 10 will win an appeal, and Act 10 will remain on the books.
Gov. Walker also said the law is working, and pointed out how MPS is already saving money because of Act 10.
“MPS pointed out that they cut their unfunded liability in half. They saved a billion dollars in unfunded pension liability because of reforms in the last year alone. That’s money that goes away if the law is not ultimately upheld,” Gov. Walker said.
Tuesday, Wisconsin’s Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen requested a stay, or hold on the law while it continues to go through the appeals process.
If the ruling is not put on hold, it could open the door to unions negotiating new contracts with employers while the legal fight continues.
Former state Supreme Court Justice Justice Geske believes the fate of Act 10 will be in the hands of the high court — but not for a while.
“”My guess is that it will bypass the court of appeals one way or another and get to the SC. I suspect, unless the court acts quickly like it did last time, it will take about a year. The question is this particular bill, does it discriminate and does it impact people that are covered by collective bargaining versus those that are not?” Justice Geske said on Tuesday.
CLICK HERE for additional Act 10 coverage via