Grafton Costco 'suspicious incident,' 7-year-old reports being approached


Grafton police are investigating after the parents of a 7-year-old reported the boy was approached by a man in the bathroom at Costo.

This happened on Friday afternoon, April 7 around noon at the store on Port Washington Road.

Police said the child's mother reported that the boy was at the sink, washing his hands, when the man said something to the effect of, "If you come with me, I'll give you some candy, but you'll have to keep it a secret."

According to police, the boy didn't speak to the man, never saw the man and was never touched by the man. He left the bathroom but didn't tell his mom what happened until about 20 minutes later. Police were dispatched about 45 minutes later.

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Grafton police said the boy could not provide a description of the man, again saying he only heard his voice.

Police noted that the time delay and the lack of a description made the investigation more complex but said Costco is fully cooperating and provided surveillance for investigators to review.

Grafton police made note of a social media comment indicating a girl was approached on the same day at Costco, but police said this comment was inaccurate and there were no other similar reports.