MILWAUKEE -- Governor Scott Walker on Wednesday, Aug. 9 launched a statewide summer bus tour ahead of the Aug. 14 primary elections.
Over the course of five days, the governor will visit over 20 cities across the state as he talks with people about his reforms.
“One of my favorite things to do as governor is to spend time with the people of Wisconsin,” Gov. Walker said. “Our summer bus tour will be a great opportunity to talk with families across the state about all that our bold reforms have accomplished, and what more we can do over the next four years to keep Wisconsin working for generations to come. Eight years ago, at the beginning of 2010, the unemployment rate was 9.3 percent. We've had now five months in a row below 3 percent, so there are literally more career opportunities in the state right now than are people literally unemployed."
There is a Republican on the ballot running against Walker -- Robert Meyer, a businessman from Sun Prairie.
The general election is Nov. 6.