Green Bay Packers Mason Crosby helps kick breast cancer in Brookfield | FOX6 Milwaukee

Green Bay Packers Mason Crosby helps kick breast cancer in Brookfield

BROOKFIELD (WITI) -- Green Bay Packers kicker Mason Crosby and his wife Molly stopped in Brookfield on Saturday to help raise awareness for breast cancer screenings.

The Crosby's, along with Froedtert Hospital and Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Network, discussed the importance of screening to save lives.

FOX6 News spoke with a cancer survivor who says early detection is key.

"As a mother, and a wife, and a cancer survivor, and I just feel that had my cancer not been detected at the time it was, my story would be very different today and possibly nonexistent," said Kathy Wood, breast cancer survivor.

Mason Crosby signed Mother's Day cards for a donation of $5, and a pink mini football for $25.

All of the proceeds will be used to support breast cancer research.