Ground broken for new ice skating center in Hales Corners named after Alyson Dudek | FOX6 Milwaukee

Ground broken for new ice skating center in Hales Corners named after Alyson Dudek

HALES CORNERS -- Milwaukee County Parks officials and those with Friends of Hales Corners Park and Pool broke ground on a new ice skating center Wednesday, August 12th.

The facility will be named after Alyson Dudek -- a 2010 Olympic bronze medalist in the short-track speed skating relay and a lifetime resident of Hales Corners.

The project aims to provide area residents with a safe, free skating rink for kids that are otherwise inactive during the winter.

"I'm biased, but I think skating is the most amazing sport there is -- but it's not something that's very accessible to a lot of kids. So to have an ice rink, right here in the middle of town, it's going to be able to just bring everyone together and just strap some skates on their feet and get some good exercise and a lot of fun out of it," Dudek said.

The ice skating center will include the 8,400 square foot Reiman Rink and the Holz Family Shelter, which houses concessions and restrooms.