"Have you lost your mind?" Motivational speaker goes off after being disrespected by high schoolers

Motivational speaker Eric Thomas's speech to Vashon High School students in St. Louis last month has gone viral over his reaction to a group of students who kept interrupting him.

Thomas begins by telling the crowd his story.

He dropped out of high school and lived homeless in Detroit for two years. His life turned around when he met a preacher who inspired him to go back to school.

The speech takes an unexpected turn when he has to tell a group of students to be quiet several times. Things get intense.

Thomas explains that he gets paid $50,000 to $100,000 to speak to corporate groups. He was doing this for free to help them and wasn’t going to be interrupted again.

The video concludes: “Always know where you’re going, but never forget… Where you come from.”

More information: ETInspires.com