'He died a hero:' MPD reveals plaque that honors life, legacy of fallen Officer Charles Irvine Jr. | FOX6 Milwaukee

'He died a hero:' MPD reveals plaque that honors life, legacy of fallen Officer Charles Irvine Jr.

MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Police Department revealed on Friday, June 7 a plaque to honor the life and legacy of fallen Officer Charles Irvine Jr.

Plaque honoring fallen Officer Charles Irvine Jr.

Irvine died on June 7, 2018 while involved in a high-speed police pursuit. The squad he was in crashed near 76th and Silver Spring on the city's northwest side.

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales

"Charles Irvine is going to be remembered as a person dedicated to public service. A young 23 years of his life -- and as I said before, all he wanted to do was be a police officer and serve his community -- and he died doing so," said Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales. "He died a hero."

Irvine was an officer at MPD's District 4. He was the first of three officers to die in eight months.

Milwaukee Police Department squad crash at 76th & Silver Spring

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett

"I think there are times when people forget how dangerous the job of police officer can be and is," said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. "It was touching for me to see the family members, the officers, who, in essence, were Officer Irvine's work family, gathering around that plaque. It demonstrates the love that he had in his life, how many people loved him, respected him and were there to support him."

Alderman Cavalier Johnson

"When the news broke about Officer Irvine's death, I remember seeing a story of a young man who lives nearby, and that young man mentioned, when Officer Irvine passed away, he had lost his best friend," said Alderman Cavalier Johnson. "He took the time to befriend a young man from this community. That tells you the caliber of the man, the caliber of the officer, and the caliber of servant that Office Irvine was."

"My son's an officer with the 4th District, and I felt it was important to be here today," said Ray Leidy, parent of an MPD officer.

Plaque honoring fallen Officer Charles Irvine Jr.

"This spot will forever be a reminder for us at District # 4 to continue and honor his legacy and what he meant in policing and to us," said Capt. Heather Wurth, Milwaukee Police Department.

"I want the officers of police District 4 and the members of the community here today to know that we have your back. We are with you 100% and we want to make sure this city never forgets the legacy of Charles Irvine," Ald. Johnson said.

Irvine's name was recently read aloud in Washington, D.C., as part of National Police Week. His name, written in stone, joined thousands of others who have died in the line of duty.