"He should've been in school:" Police seek front-porch package thief caught on surveillance

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Package thief caught on camera

Package thief caught on camera

Package thief near 57th and Lloyd

MILWAUKEE -- It happened in just seconds; a thief was caught on camera stealing a package from the porch of a Milwaukee home Tuesday afternoon, December 19th.

"It took them maybe 30 seconds to do this theft," said Lori Fritz, package theft victim.

Near 57th and Lloyd on Tuesday, December 19th, a porch -- now covered in Christmas lights -- became the target of a couple of Grinches.

"The car is going to pull up, almost hit my trash can," Lori said.

Dan and Lori Fritz

Dan and Lori Fritz were at work around 12:20 p.m., when a white Nissan pulled into their driveway.

"There he goes up onto the porch," said Dan. "You feel a little violated."

Package thief near 57th and Lloyd

A thief is seen hopping out of the car.

"He looked like he's between 12 and 14, tops," said Dan.

Package thief near 57th and Lloyd

Package thief near 57th and Lloyd

"What a shame that is, he should've been in school," said Lori.

They got away with the package on the porch, but left a lot of evidence behind. The criminals didn't realize they were being recorded on surveillance around the home the entire time.

Package thief near 57th and Lloyd

"We've got a license plate number, we've got clear video of the car and the person doing the stuff," Dan said.

The Fritz's reported the crime and now they are warning others.

Package thief near 57th and Lloyd

"If we don't report this and show this coming in, it's just going to keep happening," said Dan.

They're hoping the surveillance video will help stop the criminals, and others don't become targets.

"I would love for anybody that has information to come forward," Lori said.

The Fritz's tell us the U.S. Postal Service is investigating. Luckily, that package didn't contain a Christmas gift, only a small fan.

If you recognize the car or the suspect, contact authorities.