"He wasn't waiting for anybody:" First responders deliver baby boy in McDonald's parking lot
Germantown firefighters deliver baby boy in McDonald`s parking lot
Germantown firefighters deliver baby boy in McDonald`s parking lot
GERMANTOWN -- A fast delivery at a fast food restaurant! A Hartford family on Tuesday, February 28th welcomed a new baby boy, who is healthy and happy -- despite the fact that the baby's father had to pull over and deliver the little guy himself -- with help from first responders.
It's an emergency response and a call to 911 that left everyone smiling.
The call to officials came in shortly before 3:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. A woman was having a baby in her vehicle parked at the McDonald's off County Line Road in Germantown.
Mom wasn't going to make it to the hospital, so dad called 911, but before anyone could get there, the baby was born.
First responders arrived to help within seconds.

Damien -- born at McDonald's in Germantown

McDonald's in Germantown
The baby boy, Damien, now joins two-year-old brother, Caleb. Their parents spoke with FOX6 News Tuesday afternoon about their new bundle of joy from Community Memorial Hospital, where the newborn was eventually taken.

"Basically, she just told us it wasn't going to wait for the hospital. She said we should pull over, so we pulled over and it was pretty quick. I got to the other side of the car and baby was already coming out. He came out! He wasn't waiting for anybody," said Andrew Zignego, father.
Dad had lots of praise for the first responders.
"I'm the one that essentially is going to be helping the mother after the birth of her child and making sure the mother and the baby are doing well," said Robert Asmondy with the Germantown Fire Department.

Damien -- born at McDonald's in Germantown and his family
"You're actually bringing a new life into the world," said Germantown Fire Chief Gary Weiss.
There was plenty of humor from friends about a new baby born at McDonald's. Some said they didn't know McDonald's delivered!
Baby Damien will hear stories about how he didn't wait for the drive to the hospital, but instead chose the drive thru!

Damien -- born at McDonald's in Germantown
The Germantown Fire Department was assisted by the Germantown Police Department during this incident.