"Here comes full afterburner:" FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck takes flight with Blue Angels, and then... | FOX6 Milwaukee

"Here comes full afterburner:" FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck takes flight with Blue Angels, and then...

MILWAUKEE -- It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment for FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck. He got the opportunity to fly with the iconic U.S. Navy Blue Angels -- and he gets to share that ride with you!

F-18 Hornet of the U.S. Blue Angels

The aircraft Jessob flew in is an F-18 Hornet -- just one of the powerful jets included in the U.S. Navy's elite aerobatic team. The Blue Angels are in town for the Milwaukee Air & Water Show, set to grace Milwaukee's lakefront on Saturday, July 15th and Sunday, July 16th.

Lieutenant Brandon Hempler is in his first year with the Blue Angels. But with more than 2,100 hours in an F-18, he knows how to dish out the fun.

"Here comes full afterburner... right... there," Hempler said as they launched from Mitchell International Airport.

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels

The high performance take-off gets you to hundreds of miles per hour and thousands of feet in the air in just seconds. After that, it's one wild ride.

Lt. Hempler took Jessob through a series of aerobatic maneuvers -- including barrel rolls and even flying upside down.

"There you go, now you are feeling negative 1 G," Hempler said.

Negative Gs are mellow. It's the positive Gs that can take a toll. Each G is one times your body weight -- pushing down on you.

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels

Jessob survived three, four, five and six Gs.

But when the tandem nailed 7.3 Gs, that's when Jessob blacked out -- or met the G-monster, as some affectionately say.

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels

While Jessob didn't survive the 7G pull, Lt. Hempler said he wasn't expected to.

Watch RAW VIDEO of Jessob's Blue Angels Experience

More photos from Blue Angels experience

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels

FOX6's Jessob Reisbeck flies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels