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SALT LAKE CITY — Video of a Utah dog is going viral because of his unique reaction after a trip to the vet for a teeth cleaning.
Bret Mortimer scheduled Fritz, her 2-and-a-half-year-old Labrador mix, to have his teeth cleaned last week.
“I had never done it before,” Mortimer said. “I heard that they can get diseases that make their lives shorter, so I was like, ‘gotta do that.’”
But when she picked Fritz up at the vet after the day-long procedure, he found a way to show his displeasure.
“Something was a little bit off and he was not happy to see me,” Mortimer said. “I don’t think he was angry, but he was definitely ticked off.”
Bret recorded the interaction and uploaded it on Twitter. It shows Fritz refusing to acknowledge his human In fact, the dog turns his head when Bret moves closer. The video has been viewed more than 2 million times.
“A lot of people were like, ‘Oh, this is me when I’m mad at my boyfriend,’” Mortimer said. “It was just pretty relatable.”
Bret isn’t apologizing for taking pride in Fritz’s oral hygiene.
“I felt so bad, but it was for his own good,” Mortimer said.
After returning home, a short walk helped mend the relationship between the forever friends.
“He loves me. We are good pals,” Mortimer said. “I was a little heartbroken for a second, but I put him through a rough day, so it’s all good.”