"I wanted this baby to live:" Born 1 lb 12 oz, miracle baby growing stronger at Children's Hospital
Miracle baby continues to grow at Children`s Hospital
Miracle baby continues to grow at Children`s Hospital
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A premature baby is born weighing less than two pounds. She's now recovering at Children's Hospital.
The baby girl is continuing to grow, and her mother shared her remarkable story of survival with FOX6 News.

Courtesy: Danielle Brancamp
Like any parent, Danielle Brancamp lights up at the mention of her newborn daughter.
"I call Olivia a drama queen because that's what she is. She definitely has a mind of her own and she'll tell you if she doesn't like something," said Brancamp.
But that's not what makes this baby special, she's special simply because she'll still here.
"Olivia was 1 lb 12 oz when she was born, 13 inches long," said Brancamp.
Brandcamp says she has cervical incompetence, which is why little Olivia was born months before her June 2nd due date.
"Your cervix weakens and then you get to a certain point in your pregnancy and your just can't hold a pregnancy," Brancamp explains.
Even though Brancamp had been on bed rest, she ended up needing an emergency c-section on February 24th. Olivia still has a long road before she'll be able to leave Children's Hospital, but Brancamp is by her side every day.

Courtesy: Danielle Brancamp
"Rather than coming here every day and crying because my baby unfortunately isn't able to grow in my womb, I just come here and I learn and I try to know my baby," said Brancamp.
She even chooses to see Olivia's path as a special opportunity many parents don't have.
"How many people get to watch their baby go through these stages and grow?" said Brancamp.
Unfortunately for Brancamp, she's been through part of this before: Two years ago she lost her first baby -- a boy -- who was also born prematurely. That experience helped her choose to christen this child 'Olivia'.
"I wanted her nickname to be Liv, L-I-V, and that stands for life. I wanted this baby to live," said Brancamp.
Little Olivia is now up to 2 lbs 5 oz. Her mom says she'll likely stay at Children's Hospital at least until her original June 2nd due date.