Is the GPS device to blame? Man drives truck into river in Pennsylvania | FOX6 Milwaukee

Is the GPS device to blame? Man drives truck into river in Pennsylvania

PENNSYLVANIA (WITI) -- Has your GPS device ever gotten you lost?

A West Virginia man says his GPS is to blame after he drove his truck into a river!

According to WNEP in Pennsylvania, the 24-year-old driver drove into the Susquehanna River -- and ended up swimming to the other side.

WNEP says the fire chief said the driver's GPS device told him he could take State Route 2025 and cross the river.

A sign states that the road ends -- but the driver apparently didn't see it because it was late at night.

Suddenly, the driver and his truck entered 40-degree water!

Rescuers say the driver is lucky to be alive -- and WNEP reports this is actually the second time this has happened this year in the same area.

You may remember an episode of The Office -- when Michael Scott drove his vehicle into a body of water -- based upon GPS instructions.

Ironically, the incident involving the West Virginia driver happened near Scranton!

CLICK HERE for more on this story via WNEP's website.