'It is the worst:' Water pushes up against homes in Elkhorn amid flood warning

ELKHORN -- Walworth County was one of several impacted by a flood warning Tuesday, Feb. 20, in effect until Wednesday morning. In Elkhorn, there were a number of reports of high water on roadways, and officials were watching temperatures closely amid the potential for freezing.
Memorial Dr. in the Sugar Creek area north of Elkhorn may as well have been Lake Memorial Dr. Tuesday. There were several inches of water on the road.

Flooding in Elkhorn
"It just keep coming and coming and coming," Maria Divarco said. "The worst I think. It is the worst."

Maria Divarco
Tuesday was garbage day, and the water turned trash cans into castaways.

Glen Moon
Rivers and streams were swollen throughout Walworth County, and the Walworth County Sheriff's Office did report high water across the county, but there were no reports of any stranded vehicles.
Glen Moon watched Tuesday as some chose to drive around signs warning of high water after his granddaughter called to say she was flooded in Palmyra.
"I told her 'I'm not flooded, just a minute' and I went out and said... 'yeah we're flooded!'" Moon said.

Flooding in Elkhorn
It was a long day for Angela Hudson and her boyfriend.

Angela Hudson
"It is bad and right now we are very, very blessed the windows held," Hudson said. "Now that the rain came, and with the high temperatures, we did not expect this."