"It just brings together everyone:" Glendale Jewish community celebrates 5th day of Hanukkah

GLENDALE (WITI) -- The Glendale Jewish Community Center celebrated the 5th day of Hanukkah today with a big festival.

Traditional drum music got the celebration started at the Jewish Community Center. A party of all ages focused around the Hanukkah holiday, today is the 5th day of an 8 day celebration.

"And while it is often times about getting 8 days worth of presents, it's also about 8 days of celebrating as a family. It's about doing good deeds and charity, it's about being together," said Mark Shapiro, President and CEO of the Rose and Harry Sampson Jewish Community Center.

Joining in the celebration are Jewish and not Jewish people a-like.

Jennifer Saber and her family make the JCC Hanukkah celebration part of their family's tradition.

"It's fun, the kids look forward to it every year. It just brings together everyone from the community," said Saber.

It's a day filled with cultural music, games and arts and crafts.

"It's really fun, you celebrate with family and it's a really fun holiday," said Sydney Saber, Jennifer's daughter/JCC Member.

More than 1,000 people celebrated through.

"What we really love about today is it's about giving way more than it is about getting Hanukkah presents," said Shapiro.

And so each family is asked to join in the giving spirit and bring an unwrapped toy for the Children's Hospital.

This year, for the first time, the catering truck "Miltz" came up from Chicago to provide a traditional full kosher meal for party goers.