'It's crazy!' Melee caught on camera at Walmart in Milwaukee spills out into parking lot

MILWAUKEE -- A melee at Walmart in Milwaukee started in the checkout lane and spilled into the parking lot. It happened at the store near 103rd and Silver Spring, and some said they're upset not only by what was caught on camera, but also, what can't be seen in the video.

Police said no arrests were made after the fight on Monday, March 26. It's unclear what prompted it, but the video is worth seeing.

At around 6:40 p.m., pushing, shoving and even punching near the checkout lanes was caught on camera. It was so bad, some women even ended up on the floor -- knocking over equipment as store security stepped in. It played out as kids watched.

FOX6 showed the video to Maria Clark before she went into the store on Tuesday.

Maria Clark

"Oh my God! It's crazy. I don't want to go to another Walmart," said Clark.

The fight didn't stop inside the store -- spilling out into the parking lot. Milwaukee police arrived, and it appeared one officer even flashed a Taser. As security held back a woman in a blue shirt with green hair, her stomach was exposed, along with her temper.

"When are people going to start being nice to each other?" a man said in the video.

Police said no citations were issued, and no arrests were made.

"Well, they should have. Somebody fighting where they have no business fighting -- then they should have been given a citation," a customer said.

A Walmart spokesman said the company is deeply concerned about the safety of everyone who walks into their stores, and referred FOX6 News to Milwaukee police for additional details.

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