"It's just so heartbreaking:" Vigil held to remember victim, Roxana Abrudan

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Complete strangers came together tonight to remember Roxana Abrudan -- the victim who was brutally killed by estranged husband with a hatchet. The vigil was held just steps from the motel where police found Roxana Abrudan in her final hours alive.

There are strangers brought together by terrible grief.

"We feel the pain, we actually do. Anytime something like this occurs in Racine Co., we all feel it," said County Board Supervisor, Monte Osterman.

In the shadows of what was a crime scene days ago, a large group gathered to remember a life lost.

"It just pulls at your heart and makes you come out," said vigil attendee, Brenda Jones.

Wednesday night, November 19th, 36-year-old Roxana Abrudan was violently killed. Police say it was the hands of her estranged husband.

"When it's a situation like this it's just so heartbreaking and tragic to know someone was trying so hard to get all of the support systems in place," said Cherie Griffin, Women's Rescue Center.

Court records show, the Arlington Heights woman was hiding in Mount Pleasant trying to escape the abusive relationship.

"The most dangerous times in those situations is when a victim tries to leave. It's hard because our job is to save lives, it's heartbreaking when that's not what happens," said Griffin.

On this night, those who can help let victims know there is support.

"This speaks to how strongly we want to bring an end to domestic violence and needing to heal together," said Griffin.

Shining light on a very dark place.

"She lost her life. For what? For nothing," said Jones.

Letting a community know Abrudan's death will always be remembered.

"If you know of anyone who is in this type of situation, don't close your eyes, don't be a silent person," said Jones.

Friday's vigil was about standing up against domestic violence and reminding the community there are resources to help.