"It's keeping them healthy:" Serving Up Summer for Kids meal program kicks off in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE -- School is winding down for many students in our area, but once summer break starts, the need for food significantly rises. The Hunger Task Force and Kohl's Cares are teaming up once again to help keep kids fed.

Friday, May 29th kicked off the Serving Up Supper for kids program.

A simple reminder for Milwaukee kids: If you're hungry, come here!

"We've got 8 sites on the south side," said Marie Jewell, with the Hunger Task Force.

It'll take the better half of a day for one volunteer duo to make sure you know where to go.

"The 2-1-1 number is prominent so people can just call that to find out the hour. Because the hours are not the same at all the sites," said Jewell.

What is the same, is the goal.

"The kids are our next generation, it's keeping them healthy. It's hopefully keeping them in school longer, increasing their learning capabilities if they have a full nutritious body and brain that's what happens," said Marie Jewell, with the Hunger Task Force.

At a news conference on Friday morning, the Hunger Task Force kicked off this year's free summer meals program.

"The sad reality is that we're in a community that faces some serious challenges in reference to poverty and it has a profound impact on kids," Said Tom Vilsack, Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture.

It isn't enough to just feed the children during school, there are summer days and weekend nights where 1 out of 4 Milwaukee kids don't know where their next meal is coming from. So Kohl's partnered with the Hunger Task Force funding a program called 'Serving Up Summer' for kids to ensure that 3 healthy meals are served every day during the summer months.

"We couldn't be more excited to be a part of a program like this," said Vilsack.

Last summer, 680,000 meals were served and dozens of volunteers make it happen.

"Children can walk into any school whether they're enrolled in the program or not and they can get breakfast, lunch and supper," said Hunger Task Force Executive Director, Sherrie Tussler.

Making students will get a good start come school next fall.

The program begins in June and runs through the summer months.

To find the nearest location for you and your family -- and the hours of meal services, CLICK HERE.

Series Hunger Task-forceNews