"It's really amazing:" Lake Shore Middle School students loom with love for newborns
Lake Shore Middle School students loom with love for newborns
Lake Shore Middle School students loom with love for newborns
MEQUON -- Some of the most fragile people in our community are getting help from total strangers. A handful of Lake Shore Middle School students gathered to lunch and loom on Friday, April 15th.

The program is called, "Genius Hour," a block of time during the school day where students get to spend doing whatever they want.
"80% of the day we're doing math, reading, social studies, science. 20% of the day they get to explore what they're interested in," said Lauren Radish, Lake Shore Middle School teacher.
Eighth grade student Elizabeth Foster thought up the "looming lunch" idea.

"It's really easy. You can do it while watching TV or listening to music, and it doesn't consume all your brain power," said Foster.
It starts as a service project but became a passion and now, her friends are involved.
"For a service project, it's really amazing," said Foster.
Their goal is to make 250 hats.

"So far we are about halfway there," said Foster.
They are made by hand with love for babies they've never met.
"I think that's especially important as we're supposed to help other people and give back," said Foster.

With trial and error, and a bit of patience, the students are making a difference in the lives of strangers.
"I am proud of my students. I think it's great," said Radish.
The baby hats will be delivered to St. Joseph Hospital's NICU at the end of May.