Joe Biden takes 17-year-old high schooler on special limo ride

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Biden takes teens on limo ride

Biden takes teens on limo ride

CLEVELAND (CNN) -- A 17-year-old high schooler and the Vice President of the United States could end up being "best friends forever" after Joe Biden surprised the young lady with the ultimate offer -- and the pictures to prove it.

It happened early Sunday, November 4th in Cleveland. Ahead of a campaign rally in nearby Lakewood, Ohio, the vice president made an impromptu stop at the My Friends Restaurant.

At one point, as the vice president stood at a cash register to pay for cheesecake and coconut custard pies for he and wife Jill Biden, a young lady informed Biden of a coincidence.

"You're going to my high school," Amira Nasrallah told the vice president, referring to his event at nearby Lakewood High School.

Yet there was a cruel irony.

"I have to work here," the young woman said.

The vice president thought fast.

After asking Nasrallah the distance from the restaurant to the high school, Biden said: "Now, if you ride with us, will you be able to get back?"

Nasrallah, apparently unable to fathom what was coming, squeaked out: "Oh my God, are you serious?"

Indeed, he was.

"Why don't you ride in my car with me, okay?" Biden told the young lady.

"Oh my God!" Nasrallah shrieked.

Moments later, the vice president told his aides: "You see this lovely young woman? We're gonna let her ride with me, in my limo, to the high school."

The vice president continued to meet and mingle with other patrons. But he did not forget his guest.

As he exited the restaurant, reporters noticed Nasrallah at his side -- with a plus one.

Nasrallah and her twin brother, Amir Nasrallah, was also invited along for the ride to the rally.

"You go around the other side of the door," the vice president told the brother. "That Secret Service agent will let you in."

And with that, the vice president entered the SUV, along with the young woman, her brother and Secret Service, making the young lady perhaps the coolest kid at her high school.