Keeping old traditions alive: Brian Kramp visits Giovanni's Milwaukee

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Keeping old traditions alive: Brian Kramp visits Giovanni`s Milwaukee

Keeping old traditions alive: Brian Kramp visits Giovanni`s Milwaukee

Keeping old traditions alive: Studio A's Brian Kramp was LIVE at Giovanni's Italian restaurant in Milwaukee on Monday, December 14th.

After spending years in Sicily, Giovanni is excited to announce he is coming out of retirement. Milwaukee can once again enjoy favorite classic Italian dishes cooked by Giovanni and his sons.

Giovanni has been a restaurateur for over 40 years and with the help of his family he will again serve his famous veal, seafood and pasta dishes on Old World Third Street.

The new Giovanni's will be in an upscale environment with the feel of the past Milwaukee favorite establishment, bringing old traditions alive.

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Keeping old traditions alive: Brian Kramp visits Giovanni`s Milwaukee

Keeping old traditions alive: Brian Kramp visits Giovanni`s Milwaukee