Blood drive, Wisconsin Athletics could raise $1M; here's how | FOX6 Milwaukee

Blood drive, Wisconsin Athletics could raise $1M; here's how

A series of blood drives in Kenosha this week support Wisconsin Athletics' effort to win $1 million through "The We Give Blood Drive," a partnership between the Big Ten and Abbott.

Organizers said the drive aims to help address "the greatest need for blood in a generation." The Big Ten school that drives the most blood donations during the 2024 football season will receive a $1 million donation to advance student or community health.

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How to donate

Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin facilitated four Kenosha blood drives, one of which was held Monday:

  • Tuesday, Nov. 19: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Kenosha Public Museum, 5500 First Ave.
  • Wednesday, Nov. 20: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Kenosha County Courthouse, 912 56th St.
  • Friday, Nov. 22: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Kenosha Municipal Building, 625 52nd St.


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Residents can register for a donation by searching "Kenosha Badger Boost" on the Versiti website. A photo ID is required, and all donors must weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and have not donated blood within the past 56 days.

Local donors will also receive some University of Wisconsin swag and be entered for the chance to win Wisconsin Athletics game tickets.

Track donation totals 

As of Nov. 19, out of the 18 participating universities, the University of Wisconsin-Madison was in second place behind the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

"The We Give Blood Drive" blood donation competition runs through Dec. 6, with the winner announced at the Big Ten Football Championship Game on Dec. 7 in Indianapolis.

Donation totals can be tracked live throughout the campaign on the Big Ten's website, where prospective donors can also learn about eligibility, find participating local blood centers and validate their donation to count for their school of choice.
