Kenosha's Big Star Drive-In opens three days early | FOX6 Milwaukee

Kenosha's Big Star Drive-In opens three days early

KENOSHA (WITI) -- An indication that spring is just around the corner is the opening of Kenosha's seasonal drive-in restaurant, Big Star -- which usually opens each year on March 1st.

This season, the family owned establishment decided to open its doors three days early.

"People are tired of being in the house and cold all winter long," said owner Chuck Laferney. "This whole weekend is going to be crazy."

Laferney thought it would be a good idea to train his new employees during the middle of the week, when things are typically a bit slower. Instead, there was a line outside the pickup window with the parking lot completely filled up.

"We ordered our first round and it was so good, we had to order a second round," said Richard Pawlaczyk. "It brings back a lot of memories for me from when I was a kid, from my dad. We would wait for this day every year. Also, I just want to keep the tradition alive with my kids."

Many mark the opening of Big Star as the unofficial start to spring.

"It gives us hope that it may come. It's been really rough," said one customer.

The restaurant will operate at its regularly scheduled hours from now until Labor Day.